Awaken Counseling specializes in working with individuals who approach life with high-achieving or perfectionistic intentions. We promise to uphold a therapeutic relationship that nurtures human wholeness, not human performance.
Let’s be Friends!
Awaken Counseling specializes in working with individuals who approach life with high-achieving or perfectionistic intentions. We promise to uphold a therapeutic relationship that nurtures human wholeness, not human performance.
Let’s be Friends!
Recent Post
Why Being Ordinary Isn’t as Tragic as You Might Think
I’ve noticed how this view of ordinary has seeped deeply into the souls of many of us humans. In my personal life and my work as a counselor, I’ve witnessed in others, and I’ve most definitely felt in myself, the emotions that come when the state of your life tells the outside world that you simply aren’t checking enough “you’re doing a good job” boxes.
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Connect with Kelsey for a free phone Consultation
We Believe
Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.
— C.Connors