We provide relatable, compassionate, and competent support to dedicated college athletes through every phase of their collegiate sport experience.
Can You Help Me?
If you are a current college athlete, a college athlete transitioning out of sport, a former college athlete, or a young adult experiencing symptoms that interfere with your quality of life; there is a place for you here.
Can You
Help Me?
If you are a current college athlete, a college athlete transitioning out of sport, a former college athlete, or a young adult experiencing symptoms that interfere with your quality of life; there is a place for you here.
We offer counseling services and therapy to college athletes and young adults.
Can You
Help Me?
If you are a current college athlete, a college athlete transitioning out of sport, a former college athlete, or a young adult experiencing symptoms that interfere with your quality of life; there is a place for you here.
Service Areas
Current College Athletes
We understand the unique challenges that athletes face. Our person-centered approach is designed to help athletes through mental health challenges and difficult athletic phases, offering a safe and understanding space to share struggles, experiences, hopes, and goals.
We lead with compassion, utilizing evidenced-based practices and our deep understanding of the athlete mindset to partner with athletes who may be experiencing anxiety, performance pressure, injury-related stress and grief, body image concerns, eating disorders, perfectly hidden depression, social isolation, and burnout.
College Athletes Transitioning Out of Sport
Change is something each of us will experience as we journey through life. Sometimes change is subtle and other times change makes your life seem unrecognizable.
If you’re a college athlete who has recently lost your sport due to graduation, injury, or any other possible scenerio, then your life likely feels unrecognizable.
Meeting with a counselor who is trained to create a comfortable environment for you to process the challenging aspects of this transition can be helpful in supporting you toward honoring your time as an athlete as you build a life around the sport you have lost.
Former College Athletes
Former college athletes, no matter how many years they have been out of sport, tend to carry with them certain attributes and ways of being in the world that are directly correlated to the extreme amount of time they spent in a sports environment growing up.
Finding a counselor who is familiar with the college athlete mindset and culture could help you create the connection you want in a therapeutic relationship.
Regardless of your reasoning for pursuing counseling at this time, meeting with a counselor who was once a former athlete may help you connect your past experiences to your present moments in more complete ways.
Young Adults
Young adulthood is often full of life transitions: changing colleges, graduating, career shifts, family conflict, loss of relationships, deaths in the family, forming new friendships or romantic relationships, moving away, etc.
Kelsey has worked with many young adults throughout her career, athletes and non-athletes alike. She welcomes anyone is their 20s who is looking for a warm, compassionate person to talk to about life. She has experience and additional training related to supporting individuals experiencing anxiety, depression, grief/loss, and perfectionism.
Service Areas
We offer counseling services and therapy to college athletes and young adults.
Current College Athletes
We understand the unique challenges that athletes face. Our person-centered approach is designed to help athletes through mental health challenges and difficult athletic phases, offering a safe and understanding space to share struggles, experiences, hopes, and goals.
We lead with compassion, utilizing evidenced-based practices and our deep understanding of the athlete mindset to partner with athletes who may be experiencing anxiety, performance pressure, injury-related stress and grief, body image concerns, eating disorders, perfectly hidden depression, social isolation, and burnout.
College Athletes Transitioning Out of Sport
Former College Athletes
Young Adults
Counseling during this phase of your life can support you by giving you a non-judgmental place to process. The counseling space may be different than what you might receive from the outside world where responses can lack empathy and understanding.
Don't know
Where to
Connect with Kelsey for a free phone Consultation
Don't know
Where to
Connect with Kelsey for a free phone Consultation
We Believe
Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.
— C.Connors